Truth be told, Jarvan doesn't really have a counter. However, you will do better against him with anything other than Assassins, preferably champions with good sustain (Which the likes of Talon doesn't really have) - Champs like Akali, Talon etc can hurt Jarv but often using those burst cooldowns won't really win the tradeoff as Jarvan only need to slap you ever few seconds to take 6/8/10% HP off via his passive +any damage from abilities and regular swings - And because of his natural armor and lovely healthpool, this often means you'll lose the trade trying to harass him this way.
The key issue to note against Jarvan is his mana - Starting out, Jarvan has one of the least impressive manapools going due to bad ratio and stats - If he's forced to use abilities during the laning phase then unless he gets a Tear, Manamune, or (Preferably) PhiloStone then he will starve in no time. He doesn't need mana as much to function but it'll stop him using lance-pulls to harass and play a lot more reserved until he gets Mp5. Without mana he can't truly initiate or escape anything, and relies entirely on passive damage through physically melee'ing you which isn't a great option overall.
Once he's in the position to use abilities and worry less about mana, thats the only time you need to really worry about him.
Just remember his passive allows him to take off a respectable amount of health off you every 6 seconds, no matter what type of items he starts with. This was originally magic damage but since the change, they converted it to purely physical damage so any form of armor is a decent defense against most of his kit. If you buy health items, you are still losing a base-percentage direct from your healthbar with his passive, so thats of no major benefit - And seeing as Jarvan's typical builds evolve around tankish items, you will not beat his healthpool by also getting health items specifically against him - In the end this will also gimp your damage anyway for no real benefit.
It wouldn't matter if you had 60 maxhealth or 600 maxhealth because every time passive cools, 6/8/10% is immediately taken off it regardless. You would be better off with regen items, vamp items or defensive items over pure health items.
I play Jarvan in DoM primarily and you often come across a lot of Talon players - Jarvan isn't a counter to Talon but he does give him a rough time due to his suprise percentage damage, great ganks and being pretty much a Tank, which most of the melee-type assassins who rely on burst kinda fall flat against.
UPDATE: After second, late night maintenance, Dragon Master Swain splash art added! The PBE has been updated! As we continue the 8.4 PBE cycle, today's PBE patch coverage includes the splash art for Dragon Master Swain and more tentative balance changes! Feb 05, 2017 Double the turret damage for land dinos and triple it for flyers. Turrets already do 3x damage to fliers Regular dinos take 60 damage per bullet, not 70 Literally all of this is wrong. Fliers don't have a special multi anymore, and the way saddle armor works, even a prim saddle immediately reduces turret rounds' damage by half.
Champs Taking No Turret Dmg 2
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- By that I mean mostly throughout the entire game, not just in lategame with 12k gold worth of items or so. Typically people refer to ADCs when it comes to this, but that isn't true imo. Champions without attackspeed / AD boost vs turrets (like, or ) aren't any better at this than a.
Champs Taking No Turret Dmg Lyrics
So I've had a match against a 'troll' team - voli and malphite top, cho mid, mundo and renekton bot. At first glance I thought we will loose 4 sure, but then I became a little optimistic - I mean there has to be a drawback, otherwise everyone would use this and not the current meta.
So our vayne had first blood, I scored second with poppy the jungler and our shen toplane was holding, farming under the turret.
I tought: 'we have this, and I have 2 jungles to farm gg'. Then came lvl 6 and we lost. They dove vayne under turret, then shen, then went to mid and took down the turret. I couldn't gank, they just cc'd and ran away (I mean look at the team, slows, stuns, silences, knockups...) or just simply killed us.
We had 2 tanks (shen and somebody else on support, I don't remeber) 2 %damager (me and vayne) and a burst mage mid.
So the question: tons of cc, unkilleable, instawin teamfights, shrugging turret dmg - why doesn't everybody use full tank teams? If the enemy team has 1 or 2 squishy champs (ad and ap carry) it's over, they will be permacc'd and deleted in 2 sec. Then it's 5v3 at best.
And they didn't even have amumu....