- Katarina Full Dmg Fast Combo 2017
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Nov 25, 2012 Unless the enemy laner can reliably land a full combo of their own (ie Ryze, Leblanc, Annie) they're going to lose the trade. With the shunpo dmg reduction and armor yellows, the opponent will net maybe 60 dmg on 2 auto attacks, since Kat will have auto-attacked herself after Shunpo. As for your Elo, it doesn't really matter than much. Potentional Full Build. At some point Katarina 's father send assassins to recruit Talon or they would kill him. (DMG) Medium Combo Speed Fast run away kill 4. AURELION SOL FULL DMG FAST COMBO HYPE!! Sections of this page. Accessibility Help. Press alt + / to open this menu. Email or Phone: Password: Forgot account? LoL Slow Motions. August 7, 2017 AURELION SOL FULL DMG FAST COMBO HYPE!! FULL DMG IN TANK META. Katarina build guides on MOBAFire. League of Legends Premiere Katarina Strategy Builds and Tools. Just remember that he can stun you and unload his full combo on you if you have his passive burn on you( Blaze). Boots of Speed and all your bonus MS should help you easily walk out of his Pillar of Flame, but if you feel threatened then don't be afraid to use Shunpo to escape. Comprehensive Katarina Guide Why? Because I can!【10.2】. Katarina build guides on MOBAFire. League of Legends Premiere Katarina Strategy Builds and Tools.
Katarina Full Dmg Fast Combo 2017
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Middle Lane
Ability Order
Threats & Synergies
Ignite+ flash is normal spell pick but if u have trouble with dodge (lux,brand) you can pick cleanse + ignite.Pros / Cons
pros: cons:+You can kill adc or mid easily -If you get cc, u die.
Katarina Full Dmg Fast Combo Free
with this build. -You should calculate 'e' cooldown because , its nerfed.If you don't , you can't escape.+If u good at kata u can dodge skillshots.
Team Work
Just try to catch adc first withE-W-Q-E(to q's dagger)+R
If you are close to adc or midlaner :
E+W+Q+R+(if he run)+E to q's dagger)+Hextech or ignite
Or you can do normal combo:
Q+E+W+R+Ignite or hextech.
Just, don't push. Wait him/her. He/She will come for farm. Then you can catch him with E+W+Q+E to q's dagger.If u push lane, he gets more cs (because of turret). If you have to push lane , get ohmwrecker fast. (ohmwrecker op nowadays.)Runes
I'm using full ap runes because i need early burst.Masteries
Thunder always good for kata. Because you burst him/her if u do Q-E-W combo but, u shouldn't use your 'e' to dagger. Of course you can but if he walking on the dagger use your 'e' to him.Q E W (R). If you E then Q then W you need longer to proc the Q. Q has some travel time so if you Q and immediatly E you're actually going to be proccing Q with the W (or R if you feel like you'll do more if you straight up ult and then W to gain the ms and keep chasing).
Another reason why you don't want to E first is the throw animation of the dagger. You just waste like 0.3- 0.5 sec throwing that thing. You lose potential damage on ult because they run out faster. It's the little things I guess.
+ if you're in lane and have time (this is just a simple trick). Q, wait 2 secs go in with E cast R when they're almost out of range press W to gain the movespeed. Q should be off cooldown in 2 or less seconds, Q and W again (you should be still in range for W because of the 1 sec speed buff + movespeed quints which are pretty much a must on kat) + ignite if it's not enough for the kill.
E has a high enough CD that even if you use it straight away you won't get it off cooldown fast enough anyway so why waste animation time and proccing with Q by casting E first.
New kat also has a higher skillcap imo because the W, especially it's utility adds a new layer of usage to her kit.
edit: If you see a great opening for ult in a teamfight just E in and press R and then use other skills accordingly. usually you poke them with Q before you jump in anyway so you should still have procced the extra damage.
I hope I haven't rambled too much and you understand my point =)